Installation as Proxmox LXC container apt install wget man vim nano inetutils-tools iputils-ping apt install…
This article describes the procedure of connecting PowerShell to Office 365 in order to manage…
This documentation provides guidance how to configure an OAuth 2.0 application in Azure AD and…
Use the following commands to updated a desired docker Container with a new image sudo…
How To Set or Change Timezone on Ubuntu 20.0 Using the correct timezone is essential…
ipconfig ipconfig /all | findstr DNS ipconfig /release ipconfig /renew ipconfig /displaydns | clip ipconfig…
Install PowerShell Cmdlets Install-Module -Name QRCodeGenerator -Scope CurrentUser -Force Configure your WiFi Information New-QRCodeWifiAccess -SSID…
1.Adding Code Repository Listing in Order to copy code to clipboard from PowerShell Directly Invoke-RestMethod…
The purpose of this article is to find out various subnet parameters from a given…
This casestudy is ment to go through the process of setting up a second Gateway…